About Us


Created in 1904, prior to Brazil’s Official Social Security system, PREVI – Pension Fund for Banco do Brasil Employees – is the largest pension fund in Latin America and the 45th largest net worth in the world*. PREVI is a closed entity designed as a complementary social security and its members are composed of Banco do Brasil and PREVI employees. The institution strives to assure that members receive pension benefits that are complementary to Official Social Security, thus contributing to their own and their dependents’ wellbeing.


PREVI resources, drawn from natural person and legal entity contributions, are invested in company stocks, real estate, bonds, loans, financing, among other options. These investments guarantee the payment of benefits. Besides, since it invests in companies that are guided by socially responsible principles, PREVI ends up benefitting not only the members but also Brazilian society.

Number of members




* Ranking published by the journal Pension & Investments, in September 2009, based on the 2008 balance.